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Covid 19 Paid Sick Leave Program

If you run a business or are an employee, this may be some useful information. In early May of this year (2021) Nova Scotia implemented a new 16 million dollar plan to offer employees and their employers who qualify up to four days of paid sick leave due to Covid-19 related issues.

An excerpt from the NS Government website says, "Nova Scotians who need to take time off work because of COVID-19 may qualify for up to 4 paid sick days through the COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave Program. Businesses can apply for reimbursement for an employee’s pay when an employee needs to take time off. Self-employed people can also apply."

So how does this work in basic terms? Well, if you are an employer and one of your workers calls in sick because they have symptoms, or maybe they were exposed and need to take a COVID-19 test you are obligated to pay them for their time off. Once that is done, you can then apply to get reimbursed for that pay that came out of your pocket.

Another excerpt says "Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 Sick Leave Program covers employee wages, including wages of self-employed people, up to a maximum of $20 per hour or $160 per day. The maximum payment over the 12-week period is $640 per worker. Eligible businesses that continue to pay their employees during their leave will be eligible to be reimbursed by the program."

All of that being said. Not everyone is eligible, so click the links below for more information.


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